Pharmaceuticals in the Environment

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Ecological Assessment of Storm Impacts on Marine Resources
A project designed to assess potential effects on fish and shellfish from non-point source pollution. Pesticides used on farms, lawns and golf courses, petroleum hydrocarbons found in roadway runoff, and other contaminants in storm water runoff can cause illness or death to fish and shellfish.

Nutrient and Coliform Loading
A database of available fecal coliform bacteria, fecal streptococci bacteria, and nutrient loading data. It can be used to quickly identify available measures of loading from different landuses (bacteria and nutrients) and animals (bacteria only).

Project Partners

Urbanization and Southeastern Estuarine Systems
The USES project is an ongoing, multidisciplinary study to assess and model the impacts of urban development on small, high salinity estuaries on the southeast coast of the United States.