Overview > Benthic Habitat Viewer

Here is the first image and data of this cluster showing the location, benthic habitat type, geomorphological structure, and seafloor terrain characteristics (i.e., bathymetry, slope, and rugosity). In addition, the two bottom panes show maps of the location of the image in reference to fine-scale bathymetric data and a depth profile showing the location to overall bathymetry.

Navigate among all images and coresponding data by clicking the forward or reverse arrows. Double arrows jump by five images allowing faster navigation.

1 of 117
Depth 415.98
Distance 0.00
Latitude 17.86395
Longitude -67.0805
Time Stamp 9:33:00 AM
Rugosity 1.34
Structure Consolidated/Semi-consolidated Mud
Zone Bank/Shelf Escarpment
Slope 41.03
Bio Cover TypePercent Cover
Live hard coral (Stony Corals, Hydrocorals)Absent (0%)
Live soft coral (Gorgonians, Black Coral)Rare (1%-10%)
SpongeAbsent (0%)
SeagrassAbsent (0%)
MacroalgaeAbsent (0%)
Coralline algaeAbsent (0%)
Turf/Filamentous algaeAbsent (0%)
Sessile cnidarians, segmented worms and crinoidsAbsent (0%)
Uncolonized SubstrateContinuous (91%-100%)
  • Depth
  • Slope
  • Rugosity
  • Backscatter