Nutrient and Coliform Loading

Overview > Bibliography


The following is a list of the work cited throughout the site. It is also the database's list of 78 sources.

a Mallin, M. A., K. E. Williams, E. C. Esham, and R. P. Lowe. 2000. Effect of human development on bacteriological water quality in coastal watersheds. Ecological Applications 10(4):1047-1056.
c Kadlec, R. H., and R. L. Knight. 1996. Treatment wetlands. Lewis Publishers, 2000 Corporate Blvd., N.W. Boca Raton, FL 33431 (USA).
d Schueler, T., and H. Holland. 1994. Microbes and urban watersheds: Concentrations, sources, & pathways. Watershed Protection Techniques 3(1):554-565.
e Bannerman, R. T., D. W. Owens, and R. B. Dodds. 1993. Sources of pollutants in Wisconsin stormwater. Water Science and Technology: A journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 28(3-5):241-259.
f Hussong, D., J. M. Damare', R. J. Limpert, W. J. L. Sladen, R. M. Weiner, and R. R. Colwell. 1979. Microbial impact of Canada geese (Branta canadensis) and whistling swans (Cygnus columbianus columbianus) on Aquatic Ecosystems. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 37(1):14-20.
g Geldreich, E. E., R. H. Bordner, C. B. Huff, H. F. Clark, and P. W. Kabler. 1962. Type distribution of coliform bacteria in the feces of warm-blooded animals. The Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 34(3):295-301.
h Conboy, M. J., and M. J. Goss. 2001. Identification of an assemblage of indicator organisms to assess timing and source of bacterial contamination in groundwater. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 129:101-118.
i Baird, C., M. Jennings, D. Ockerman, and T. Dybala. 1996. Characterization of nonpoint sources and loadings to Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program study area. Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, Austin, TX: 226.
j Geldreich, E. E., and B. A. Kenner. 1969. Concepts of fecal streptococci in stream pollution. Journal Water Pollution Control Federation 41(8):336-352.
k Steuer, J., W. Selbig, N. Hornewer, and J. Prey. 1997. Sources of contamination in an urban basin in Marquette, Michigan and an analysis of concentrations, loads, and data quality: USGS Water Resources Investigation Report 97-4242. USGS, Middleton, Wisconsin: 26.
l Baxter-Potter, W., and M. Gilliland. 1988. Bacterial pollution in runoff from agricultural lands. Journal of Environmental Quality 17(1):27-34.
m Overcash, M. R., and J. M. Davidson. 1980. Environmental Impact of Nonpoint Source Pollution. Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI.
n Doran, J. W., J. S. Schepers, and N. P. Swanson. 1981. Chemical and bacteriological quality of pasture runoff. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (May-June):166-171.
o Oshiro, R., and R. Fujioka. 1995. Sand, soil, and pigeon droppings: sources of indicator bacteria in the waters of Hanauma Bay, Oahu, Hawaii. Water Science Technology 31(5-6):251-254.
p Hanson, E. 1997. Total Maximum Daily Loads for Fecal Coliform in the Potomac Headwaters of West Virginia: An Assessment of the Data, Assumptions, and Model. Potomac Headwaters Resource Alliance West Virginia Rivers Coalition. Downstream Strategies, Morgantown, WV:24.
q USEPA. 2001. Protocol for developing pathogen TMDLs. EPA 841-R-00-002. Office of Water (4503F), United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.: 132.
r Roll, B. M., and R. S. Fujioka. 1997. Sources of faecal indicator bacteria in a brackish, tropical stream and their impact on recreational water quality. Water Science Technology 35(11-12):179-186.
s Metcalf & Eddy Inc. 1991. Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse, Third edition. McGraw-Hill, Inc, New York.
t Mara, D. D. 1974. Bacteriology for Sanitary Engineers. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh and London.
u Koppelman, L. E. 1978. The Long Island Comprehensive Waste Treatment Management Plan, Volume II: Summary Documentation. Long Island Regional Planning Board, Nassau-Suffolk Regional Planning Board, Hauppauge, New York: 223-241.
v Horsley & Witten, Inc. 1996. Identification and evaluation of nutrient and bacterial loadings to Maquoit Bay, Brunswick, and Freeport, Maine. Casco Bay Estuary Project, Portland, Maine.
w MapTech. 2000. Fecal coliform TMDL (total maximum daily load) development for South Fork of the Blackwater River, Virginia. Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Blacksburg, VA.
x USGS. 2002. Fecal coliform TMDL for Blacks Run, Rockingham County, Virginia. Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation.
y USEPA. 1983. Results of the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Volume 1: Final Report. Water Planning Division, Washington, D.C.
z Yagow, G. 2001. Fecal Coliform TMDL, Mountain Run watershed Culpeper County, Virginia. Virginia Tech, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation.
aa Burwell, R. E., G. E. Schuman, H. G. Heinemann, and R. G. Spomer. 1977. Nitrogen and phosphorus movement from agricultural watersheds. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 32:226-230.
ab Taylor, A. W., W. M. Edwards, and E. C. Simpson. 1971. Nutrients in streams draining woodland and farmland near Coshocton, Ohio. Water Resources Research 7:81.
ac Joyner, B. F. 1971. Appraisal of chemical and biological condition of Lake Okeechobee, Florida, 1969-1970. Open File Report 71006. US Geological Survey in co-op with Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District, Tallahassee, Florida.
ad Geldreich, E. E., L. C. Best, B. A. Kenner, and D. J. VanDonsel. 1968. The bacteriological aspects of stormwater pollution. Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation 40(11):1861-1872.
ae Crisp, D. T. 1966. Input and output of minerals for an area of Pennine Moorland: The importance of precipitation, drainage, peat erosion and animals. Journal of Applied Ecology 3(2):327.
af Madeira Netto, J. S. 1978. Soil, water, and nutrient losses from four watersheds Near Lincoln, Nebraska. M.S. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska.
ag Olness, A., S. J. Smith, E. D. Rhoades, and R. G. Menzel. 1975. Nutrient and sediment discharge from agricultural watersheds in Oklahoma. Journal of Environmental Quality 4(3):331-336.
ah Sewell, J. I., and J. M. Alphin. 1975. Effects of agricultural land uses on runoff quality. Tennessee, Agricultural Experiment Station, Knoxville Bulletin 548:44-47.
ai Timmons, D. R., and R. F. Holt. 1970. Leaching of crop residues as source of nutrients in surface runoff water. Water Resources Research 6(5):1367-1375.
aj Minshall, N., M. S. Nichols, and S. A. Witzel. 1969. Plant nutrients in base flows of streams. Water Resources Research 5(3):706-713.
ak Timmons, D. R., and R. F. Holt. 1977. Nutrient losses in surface runoff from a native prairie. Journal of Environmental Quality 6(4):369-373.
al Sylvester, R. O. 1961. Nutrient content of drainage water from forested, urban, and agricultural areas. In Algae and Metropolitan Wastes. SEC-TR-W61-3. US Dept of Health, Education, and Welfare, Cincinnati, Ohio: 80.
am Jaworski, N. A., and L. J. Hetling. 1970. Relative contribution of nutrients to the Potomac River basin from various sources. In Proceedings from Agricultural Waste Management Conference, Cornell Univ., Ithaca NY:134.
an Likens, G. E., and F. H. Bormann. 1972. Nutrient cycling in ecosystems. J. A. Wiens, editor. Ecosystem Structure and Function. Oregon State University Press.
ao Weibel, S. R., R. J. Anderson, and R. L. Woodward. 1964. Urban land runoff as a factor in stream pollution. Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation 36(7):914-924.
ap Weidner, R. B., A. G. Christianson, S. R. Weibel, and G. G. Robeck. 1969. Rural runoff as a factor in stream pollution. Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation 41:377-384.
aq Kilmer, V. S., and R. T. Joyce. 1971. Fertilizer use in relation to water quality with special reference to the southeastern United States. 22nd Annual Fertilizer Conference of the Pacific Northwest, Bozeman, Montana.
ar Hetling, L. J., and R. M. Sykes. 1973. Sources of nutrients in Canadarago Lake. Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation 45:145.
as Smith, G. E. 1967. Fertilizer nutrients as contaminants in water supplies. In N. C. Brady, editor. Agriculture and the Quality of the Environment. American Assn Adv. of Science, Washington, DC, Publ. 85:173.
at Sawyer, C. N. 1947. Fertilization of lakes by agricultural and urban drainage. Journal of New England Water Works Association 61(2):109.
au Wang, W. L., and R. L. Eveans. 1970. Nutrients and quality in impounded water. Journal of American Water Works Association 62:510.
av Henkens, H. 1972. Fertilizer and the quality of surface waters. Stikstof 15:28-40.
aw Carter, D. L., J. A. Bondurant, and C. W. Robbins. 1971. Water soluble NO-3 nitrogen, PO4-phosphorous, and total salt balances on a large irrigation tract. Soil Science Society of America 35:331-335.
ax Glandon, L. R. 1971. Nutrients from tile drainage systems. Dept. of Water Resources, San Joaquin District, Fresno, California:1-90.
ay Robbins, J. W. D., D. H. Howells, and G. J. Kriz. 1971. Role of animal wastes in agricultural land runoff. School of Agriculture and Life Sciences at North Carolina State University at Raleigh for the Environmental Protection Agency, Raleigh, NC:115.
az McCalla, T. M., J. R. Ellis, C. B. Gilbertson, and W. R. Woods. 1972. Chemical studies of solids, runoff, soil profile, and groundwater from beef cattle feedlots at Mead, Nebraska. Agricultural Waste Management Conference, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY:211.
ba Wells, D. M., W. Grub, R. C. Albin, G. F. Meenaghan, and E. Coleman. 1970. Control of water pollution from southwestern feedlots. Advances in Water Pollution Research: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference, San Francisco and Hawaii:II-38/1 - II-38/19.
bb Madden, J. M., and J. N. Dornbush. 1971. Measurement of runoff and runoff carried waste from commercial feedlots. Livestock Waste Management and Pollution Abatement. ASAE Publ PROC-271:44.
bc Avco Economic Systems Corporation. 1970. Storm water pollution from urban land activity. Washington, DC. FWQA Publication No. 11034FKL07/70:1-135.
bd American Public Works Association. 1969. The causes and remedies of water pollution from surface drainage of urban areas-research project no. 120. Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, US Dept. of Interior, WP-20-15.
be Kluesener, J. W., and G. F. Lee. 1974. Nutrient loading from a separate storm sewer in Madison, Wisconsin. Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation 46(5):920-936.
bf Bryan, E. H. 1970. Quality of stormwater drainage from urban land areas in North Carolina. Rept. No. 37. Water Resources Research Inst. of the Univ. of North Carolina.
bg Pravoshinsky, N. A., and P. D. Gatillo. 1968. Calculation of water pollution by surface runoff. Water Research 2:24-26.
bh Burm, J. R., D. F. Krawczyk, and G. L. Harlow. 1968. Chemical and physical comparison of combined and separate sewer discharge. Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation 40:112.
bi Soderlund, G., and H. Lehtinen. 1972. Comparison of discharges from urban storm-water runoff, mixed storm overflow, and treated sewage. In Proceedings from 6th Intl. Conf. Water Pollution Research, Jerusalem, Israel:309-325.
bj Grizzard, T. J., and E. M. Jennelle. 1972. Will wastewater treatment stop eutrophication of impoundments? 27th Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, Lafayette, Indiana.
bk Feth, J. H., S. M. Rogers, and C. E. Roberson. 1964. Chemical composition of snow in the northern Sierra Nevada and other areas. US Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1535-J:39.
bl Whitehead, H. C., and J. H. Feth. 1964. Chemical character of rain, dry fallout, and bulk precipitation at Menlo Park, California, 1957-1959. Journal of Geophysical Research 69(16):3319-3333.
bm Holt, R. F. 1969. Runoff and sediment as nutrient sources. Paper Presented at Annual Meeting of Minnesota Chapter - Soil Conservation Society of America, Univ. of Minn., St. Paul, Minn.
bn Drover, D. P., and I. P. Barrett-Lenard. 1956. Accessions of nitrogen (ammonia, nitrate and nitrite) in western Australian wheat belt rains. Journal of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science 22:193.
bo Palmer, C. L. 1950. The pollution effects of storm-water overflows from combined sewers. Sewage and Industrial Wastes 22(2):154-165.
bp Palmer, C. L. 1963. Feasibility of combined sewer system. Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation 35(2):162.
bq Sylvester, R. O., and G. C. Anderson. 1960. An engineering and ecological study for the rehabilitation of Green Lake. University of Washington, Seattle, Washington:111.
br Akerlinch, G. 1950. The quality of storm water flow. Nordisk Hygienish Tidskrift (Stockholm) 31:1.
bs Gambell, A. W., and D. W. Fisher. 1966. Chemical composition of rainfall, eastern North Carolina and southeastern Virginia. US Geol. Surv. Water-Supp. Paper 1535:K:1-41.
bt Owens, M. 1970. Nutrient balances in rivers. Water Treatment and Examination 19:239-252.
bu Kolenbrander, G. J. 1972. The eutrophication of surface waters by agriculture and the urban population. Stikstof 15:56-67.
bv Hobbie, J. E., and G. E. Likens. 1973. The output of phosphorous, dissolved organic carbon, and fine particulate carbon from Hubbard Brook watersheds. Limnology and Oceanography 18(5):734-742.
bw Weibel, S. R., R. B. Weidner, J. M. Cohen, and A. G. Christianson. 1966. Pesticides and other contaminants from rainfall and runoff as observed in Ohio. Journal of American Water Works Association 58:1075-1084.
bx Cooper, C. F. 1969. Nutrient output from managed forests. In Eutrophication: Causes, Consequences, Correctives. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC:446-463.
by Weibel, S. R. 1969. Urban drainage as a factor in eutrophication. In Eutrophication: Causes, Consequences, Correctives. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC:383-403.
bz Burm, J. R., and R. D. Vaughan. 1966. Bacteriological comparison between combined and separate sewer discharges in southeastern Michigan. Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation 38(3):400-409.
ca Harms, L. L., P. Middaugh, J. N. Dornbush, and J. R. Anderson. 1975. Bacteriological quality of surface runoff from agricultural land. Water and Sewage Works 122:71-73.