NOAA National Benthic Inventory

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Records by Taxon

The taxon (Ophiopholis aculeata) exists in 3 records on 1 page. Click on the TSN to view direct children.
Study Information Location TSN Taxon Depth
1 - 3 of 3 records
Name: 2004 Massachusetts Bay
Region: Massachusetts Bay
Coordinates: 42.38, -70.73
Station Code: MS04_26 Rep: 1
157617 Ophiopholis aculeata 53.0 --- 75.0 More
Name: 2008 Stellwagen Bank NMS
Region: Offshore Massachusetts
Coordinates: 42.54, -70.35
Station Code: NE08_003 Rep: 2
157617 Ophiopholis aculeata 137.0 32.5 50.0 More
Name: 2008 Stellwagen Bank NMS
Region: Offshore Massachusetts
Coordinates: 42.59, -70.43
Station Code: NE08_007 Rep: 1
157617 Ophiopholis aculeata 85.0 32.4 25.0 More