Chesapeake Bay - Today's Forecast
Chesapeake Bay - Today's Forecast
Vp Concentration in Chesapeake Bay Oysters at Harvest
Below is the current day's prediction of expected concentrations of Vp at the time of harvest.
Mouseover and click the desired area to view a running loop of predictions for the previous 6 days, current day, and out to 48 hrs in the future or select full view forecast.
The harmful bacteria Vibrio parahaemolyticus is often present in the Chesapeake Bay in the summer. Knowing when and where to expect Vp may help people to avoid a dangerous exposure, especially for those with compromised immune systems. The empirical models relating temperature and salinity to Vp concentration in oysters were developed and provided by the US FDA and represent expected levels at time of harvest. More information on the models may be found here.
These maps are experimental and show a prediction of the concentration of V. parahaemolyticus in Oysters harvested from Chesapeake Bay.