Vibrio Background > Shellfish Guidance - Gulf of Mexico

Shellfish Guidance - Gulf of Mexico

Shellfish Guidance - Gulf of Mexico

Gulf of Mexico
Concentration of V. parahaemolyticus cells in Northern Gulf of Mexico Oysters

Vibrio parahaemolyticus (Vp) in Northern Gulf of Mexico Oysters at Harvest

Vibrio concentrations in oysters harvested from bottom waters of the Gulf are related to the temperature and salinity. This product uses the Northern Gulf of Mexico Operational Forecast System to force a statistical model (USFDA 2005) to predict expected concentrations of Vibrio parahaemolyticus at the time of harvest. Daily average predictions are provided at for the previous 5 days, current day, and out to 48 hrs in the future.

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As a work in progress, current Vibrio models displayed here are considered experimental products, and thus NOAA will not be held liable from issues arising from their interpretation and use.